From DIY pilgrimages to halal restaurant tips: how this travel blogger built a community of Muslim travelers

Elena Nikolova converted to Islam in 2009. Four years later, she channeled her wanderlust into a new endeavor: helping other Muslims travel the world. An article by Lonely Planet writer Juhie Bhatia.

On one of Elena Nikolova’s first trips as a Muslim, she realized travel for her had changed forever. Visiting Bulgaria from the United Kingdom, she saw how her new halal diet was at odds with her pork-heavy, Bulgarian-Greek upbringing. It wasn’t long before Nikolova also noticed she was getting extra checks at the airport and more attention once she landed because of her hijab.

“I realized that whether we wanted it or not, there is prejudice against those who wear a hijab,” Nikolova said. “I realized that kind of puts Muslims off traveling.”

Since she converted to Islam in 2009, Nikolova has worked to make travel more accessible and comfortable for Muslims. A lover of deals, she began to share cheap fares and travel hacks on social media to encourage others in her new community to travel too. As a student in the UK, she often booked the longest layovers possible on her way back home to Greece just so she could explore new places.

An online forum for advocating Muslim travel

Upon the urging of a friend, Nikolova transformed her expertise into the blog Muslim Travel Girl in 2013, with the goal of helping Muslims travel while being confident in their identities and without breaking the bank. Right away, she started receiving questions related to airport security and whether certain countries were welcoming to Muslims. Her readers, mostly based in North America and Europe, were apprehensive. One of Muslim Travel Girl’s most popular videos, for example, is on navigating airports as a hijab-wearing Muslim woman.

Building a comfort zone

“Throughout the past seven years, we've gone through [issues with] the media and Muslims, and the hijab and problems with women traveling,” she said. “The whole point of a Muslim travel blog is to help and encourage those people, to give them the resources to actually find destination information.”

While other resources exist, Nikolova says it was especially hard to find information that spoke directly to the experience of traveling as a Muslim when she started the blog. “Even though travel [for Muslims] in general is not so different, we have some differences, like [needing] places to pray or [specific] food to eat,” she said. “Not every Muslim needs these, but it should be there.”

A recent survey found the availability of halal food and prayer facilities among the most cited faith-based needs of Muslim travelers. Since 9/11, many Muslim travelers say they’ve faced discrimination at airports and on airplanes, ranging from extra security searches and intense questioning by airport staff to unexplainable visa troubles and hostility from fellow passengers.

The 'halal tourism' boom

At the same time, the Muslim-friendly travel market, or “halal tourism” as some call it, has been booming. The industry caters to Muslim travelers looking for destinations that meet their faith-based needs, be it a place to pray, alcohol-free hotels or women-only pools and spas. Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it was estimated that by 2026, 230 million Muslim tourists would travel, locally and abroad, up from 98 million in 2010. […].

Nikolova attributes this increase in Muslim travelers to the global aspirations of younger Muslims, more disposable income and the persuasive power of social media. With more travelers, she says, has also come more blogs on Muslim-friendly travel, more interest from big brands and companies, conferences on the topic, and travel agencies like

From credit card rewards to dinner recommendations

As the demographic makeup of Muslim travelers has changed, so has what Nikolova’s readers want. While initially some of Muslim Travel Girl’s most popular and requested posts were on the practicalities of traveling as a Muslim, she says now that more Muslims are traveling, the interest has shifted to what destinations to visit, insider travel tips and halal food recommendations in those places. One of their most popular topics is advice on DIY Umrah, so travelers can take the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca without using a travel agent or expensive tour package.


Small changes that make a big difference

Nikolova, who splits her time between Saudi Arabia and the UK, says Muslim Travel Girl is now one of the largest Muslim-friendly blogs in the West. She works on it full-time and also offers consultancy services to hotels and resorts on how to be more accommodating to Muslim guests. Even simple changes like providing soft drinks, non-alcoholic wine or fresh fruit in a welcome package, instead of wine, which is customary in places like Greece, can make a big difference in making someone feel more comfortable, she says.


Travel opens your mindset

Part of why travel is so important, Nikolova says, is because it can counter misconceptions and prejudice. When she converted to Islam, for instance, her Greek Orthodox parents were not happy about it. But after she and her mother traveled to numerous countries together, including her mother spending a year in Doha, Qatar when Nikolova’s daughter was born, things changed.

“It's one of the reasons why I'm so passionate about traveling and encouraging Muslims to travel, because you open your mindset,” Nikolova said. “Traveling brings us closer. You wouldn't know your neighbor if you didn’t talk to them. It's the same thing with going and exploring a different city; you wouldn't meet locals and talk to them if you didn't visit.”

This is an excerpt from an article originally written by Juhie Bhatia and published by Lonely Planet.


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