From London to Delhi: The longest bus route in the world to start operations in 2022

CREDIT Bady Abbas, Unsplash

In April of 2022, Travel Tomorrow says, the longest bus route in the world will start operating. The project had been known as early as 2020, […] but the uncertainty in the current environment has brought some delays. Now it’s official.

The project is run by the Indian company Adventures Overland and it will pass through 18 countries in a journey of over 20,000 kilometers, during 70 days, in hop-on/hop-off mode. Sanjay Madan, co-founder of Adventures Overland, an Indian company that has already won awards at the World Travel Awards, explained in a statement that they have already been testing the trip to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all travelers.


In 2022, travelers will be able to enjoy the full Bus To London experience one-way, but also return. And it is important to realize that the trip is not by the most direct route. The Great Wall of China, for example, is one of the points on the route.

CREDIT Adventures Overland

Laos, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, and France are some of the countries along the route. Passengers will be able to book their trip by choosing where they will want to stay. For this Indian company, it is time to make a comeback in Eastern mysticism tourism, which since the 1950s has begun to take Westerners to parts of India.

Adventures Overland will be in charge of all the necessary paperwork, given the amount of countries that will be visited during the 70-day trip. Tushar Agarwal and Sanjay Madan, the company’s creators, are already specialists in long journeys on wheels, having in the past broken a record in Australia for the longest journey by car, covering more than 17,000 kilometers.

This is an excerpt from an article originally published by Travel Tomorrow.


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