Let’s reinvent travel.

Leisure Lab is a think tank and media lab to promote sustainable tourism, or as we like to call it BREAK-EVEN TOURISM. In this LAB REPORTS section we publish news articles and create inspirational travel stories to help bring about positive change in the way we travel.

This airline lets you pay €43 a month for unlimited flights – here’s why it’s a bad idea

This airline lets you pay €43 a month for unlimited flights – here’s why it’s a bad idea

The aviation and tourism industries are longing for […] a rebound, after two years of struggling to stay afloat. But some are trying to meet [the] renewed desire for travel with initiatives the sector has never seen before, says Giulia Carbonaro from Euronews Travel.

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The World’s Coolest Carbon-Neutral Hotels

The World’s Coolest Carbon-Neutral Hotels

“Eco-friendly” has become the buzzword for hotels around the world, but only a handful of properties are carbon-neutral, says Georgina Groom from SUITCASE Magazine. Follow [her] as [she] take[s] a peek inside the world’s greenest boltholes.

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How Valencia became the first city in the world to verify its tourism carbon emissions
Sustainable travel, Carbon footprint Tom Aussems Sustainable travel, Carbon footprint Tom Aussems

How Valencia became the first city in the world to verify its tourism carbon emissions

While there’s been a lot of talk about environmental issues in many cities of late, says The Independent author Annie Bennett, Valencia has been busy actually making things happen with a pioneering sustainable tourism strategy. It is the first city in the world to verify its carbon emissions from tourism-related activities, part of a commitment to be a carbon-neutral destination by 2025.

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