Let’s reinvent travel.

Leisure Lab is a think tank and media lab to promote sustainable tourism, or as we like to call it BREAK-EVEN TOURISM. In this LAB REPORTS section we publish news articles and create inspirational travel stories to help bring about positive change in the way we travel.

Farm to Fork: How a new project will help tourists eat their way around Jordan
Mindfulness and Travel: 4 Tips For A More Fulfilling Experience

Mindfulness and Travel: 4 Tips For A More Fulfilling Experience

Recent focus on mental health amidst the pandemic has further popularized the practice of mindfulness. But what exactly is it, and how can we integrate mindfulness in our future travel experiences and everyday lives?

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9 travel trends for 2021

9 travel trends for 2021

With travel thrown thoroughly off-course in 2020, we’re sure you’ve been thinking about what next year might bring. Rough Guides dug a little deeper to unearth nine travel trends for 2021.

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The key to saving the world’s wildlife

The key to saving the world’s wildlife

From poaching to habitat loss – according to Dickson Kaelo, CEO of Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association, local communities and indigenous people are vital in the fight to save wildlife. ‘When communities see wildlife as an asset, rather than a cost, conservation efforts begin yielding fruits.’

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30 sustainable travel websites for the conscious traveler

30 sustainable travel websites for the conscious traveler

Having trouble finding sustainable accommodations and experiences? Ana Cecilia Duék, director and editor at Brazil-based sustainability platform Viajar Verde, lined up 30 booking websites concerned with positive impacts on the environment, communities and destinations.

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