How a lodge in KwaZulu-Natal works for a better life for all […]

CREDIT kaveman743, Flickr

Since the days of the former tourism boasting about the growth of global tourism almost 20 years ago […], the local tourism industry has grown to become one of the largest employers in South Africa. Angus Begg from the Daily Maverick highlights the role of a particular establishment that has set somewhat of a benchmark in the area, if not the province: Three Tree Hill in Hambrook village.

“There can be no community upliftment or conservation projects at all if we do not build a better, more equitable business model.” [Simon] speaks of the need to find a way for staff to become shareholders and therefore vested-interest stakeholders “in the business they know, love and have expertise in”
— Simon Blackburn

How Do I Know If a Tour Company Actually Supports Local Communities?


From Poacher to Wildlife Ranger. What Changed his Mind?