From Poacher to Wildlife Ranger. What Changed his Mind?

The Leuser Ecosystem is one of the largest stretches of tropical rainforest in Southeast Asia and the last one on earth where the Sumatran elephant, rhino, tiger, sun bear and orangutan live together in the wild. Wildlife in this part of Indonesia is endangered by illegal poaching activities, logging and unsustainable agricultural practices. Watch the video to learn more about how wildlife patrols protect the animals and plant biodiversity during their trips into the forest.

This video was produced by Fátima González-Torres and published by Ecosia. Ecosia is a search engine that plants trees. Your searches on Ecosia are helping them plant trees in the Leuser Ecosystem. Through their partners they are also supporting the existence of wildlife patrols tasked with protecting animals. Stay updated on how Ecosia is helping reforest the planet by visiting their blog, on Instagram (@ecosia), on Facebook (@Ecosia).


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