Let’s reinvent travel.

Leisure Lab is a think tank and media lab to promote sustainable tourism, or as we like to call it BREAK-EVEN TOURISM. In this LAB REPORTS section we publish news articles and create inspirational travel stories to help bring about positive change in the way we travel.

5 Impactful Ways Travel Can Benefit Your Mental Health

5 Impactful Ways Travel Can Benefit Your Mental Health

The strain of the pandemic, compounded by stressful jobs and busy lives, has given way to the understanding that self-care and work-life balance are key factors to achieving a happy, healthy life. [...]. Traveling offers a much-needed reprieve from the worries of daily life, and more often than not, its cathartic, borderline-therapeutic qualities reinvigorate the spirit. Kate Eplboim from Regenerative Travel explores how the joys of travel can benefit your mental health.

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